Production Management and Its Advantages

Production Management and Its Advantages

Production management is an important part of corporate operations that focuses on the processes involved in the manufacturing of goods and services. It is a multifaceted subject that involves a variety of operations like as resource allocation, scheduling, quality control, and staff coordination, with the ultimate objective of maximising productivity and efficiency. The basic goal … Read more

Capital Structure, It’s Importance And Optimal Capital Structure

Capital Structure, Importance And Optimal Capital Structure

Meaning Of Capital Structure The term “capital structure” refers to the proportion of the firm’s total capital allocated to various long-term sources of finance. Long-term financing comes primarily from the following sources: Proprietors Funds include equity capital, preference capital, reserves and surpluses (ie, retained earnings), and Borrowed Funds include long-term debts such as bank loans, … Read more

Features or Qualities of Optimum or Sound Capital Structure

Features or Qualities of Optimum or Sound Capital Structure

The qualities of an optimum or sound capital structure should have the following characteristics : A sound capital structure typically has several key features that enable a company to operate and grow sustainably over the long term. Here are some of the most important features: Qualities of Sound or Optimum Capital Structure Simplicity The capital … Read more